While eating lunch today with my wife and two youngest, I asked my four year old if he was going to be a papa when he grew up. He said no. I asked him if he was going to be daddy (a term he is more familiar with). He said no. I then asked him what he was going to be when he grew up. His reply, “I’m going to be a missionary and go to church.” Of course we would love to see him be a missionary before becoming a daddy; I was just amazed that he had made that distinction at such a young age. In fact I am regularly amazed at the perception of children and their level of understanding. This just happens to be one of the latest.
My seven year old, came home from school and had written the following for one of his assignments. "If I was President for one day I would buy the mall, get a wife and we will get married and we will get baby." Wow! What whould I do if I were President for a day? A good day to be a parent.
Sweet. (If I were president for a day I'd call NBC and insist they fired Dick Buttons immediately from commentating on the Olympic figure skating competitions.) Not as worthy a cause as say saving souls or other valiant causes I can think of (i.e. feeding the poor) but a definite national emergency--at least for the remaining three days.
Our favorite "If" game is to play along with the Bare-Naked Ladies (not real bare-naked ladies, the band Bare-Naked Ladies) "If I Had a Million Dollars..." We are obviously more temporal- than eternal-minded at our house.
Now that I've gotten my Dick Buttons rant off my chest and said the words BNL three times on your previously family-friendly blog, I will sign off. Sorry...
BTW, I'm not afraid to admit in public that I enjoy watching figure skating. I actually prefer it to other sports on ice.
I hadn't paid all that much attention to the name of the other male commentator (Scott Hamilton is to always be expected at the Olymics) So by way of elimination, Dick Buttons would have to be the annoying male commentator. So ya, he'd be out if I had the power.
No problem with the Bare-Naked Ladies. There are things that are a lot wosre that coudl be said.
So you feel my pain? Thank you! Here's my commentary on Dick's comments:
One, his favorite sport is obviously hearing himself talk.
Two, he has nothing good to say about anyone. I'd like to see him sporting lycra on a pair of skates while trying to land a double-toe loop.
Three, he is a sexist pig. "She is not at all attractive to me." and "What a lovely fine-figured girl. This program is very attractive to me." (read "This dirty old man gets a kick out of watching young girls sporting lycra.") Try saying that during the men's program (although admittedly some of them have just as lovely feminine figures)!
Thanks for providing a sympathetic venue for me to let off my steam. I'm sure you will appreciate it more than NBC would--I was pretty close to submitting the above comments to them.
It is one thing to have a commentator who has taken a crash course on a sport they previously knew nothing about. It's something else to fall into the above category and be "a dirty old man getting kicks out of watching young girls sporting lycra" (wishing the skin toned lycra was skin)... somebody that would be better off sipping beer at Hooters and silently judging waitresses.
Leave the commentary to those that have been there-done that in the sport.
So in our world, where we are President for a day, there is no room Dick Button.
I missed the Olympics thing and so have no idea that I missed such sexist stuff. He sounds like Fred Willard's character on Best in Show.
At least your son wants a wife and baby! He could have said he wants to grow up to be Dick Buttons!
It is fun to hear the things kids say. My almost 8-year-old daughter told me the other day that "my day was glorious!" I asked her why. She responded that "every day is glorious for me!" Oh, if only we could take that kind of optimism and apply it to our everyday outlook, how would that change the world?
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