I must have been about 8 years old when I first laid my hands upon a Rubik's Cube. It took a long time, but I remember finally learning how to solve one side...and then I figured out how to solve two sides...[anyone who has solved the entire puzzle knows that that is nothing to brag about, because it does not put you any closer to solving all six].
Now, about a zillion years later, my 9 year old ended up with a cube of his own. Thanks to a good teacher [yes I snatched it out of his hands] and learning about algorithms, I can now enter into the elite solver's club. Now I just can't decide on which color of jacket to buy.
al gore whoisms? Sorry, it just sounded funny so I had to say it. They are probably named that because Al Gore invented them. ;)
I remember as a teenager, there were several people I knew who read the little cheat book on how to solve it. I determined I would solve it without any help and I succeeded but for me has always been a hit and miss thing.
Perhaps you can share some of your mystical knowledge sometime, oh Rubik's Master.
Pappy Yokum is funny!
You're kids must have been amazed. Mine were when I showed them my limited knowledge in how to solve one side. Pretty cool...
Did you hear that, Mammy, someone thinks I'm funny. I told ya Abner once laughed at me, he did!
Green is the best color of jacket. Hmm, yes, I'm sure. Definitely green.
Pappy - I think you're funny - I laugh at you all the time:)
If you don't get a blue jacket then you're just another solver. If you go with the blue though, you'll really be somebody.
I remember I looked at a Rubik's cube once.
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