Monday, January 01, 2007

Off to a Good Start: One for the History Books

It's always good to start off the new year on the right foot. Today, my friends, was a day to remember. Thanks to the generosity of Tech, I found myself with some free tickets to a certain game that just happened to correspond with the magical number of 880. For those who may still be in the dark at this moment, let me illuminate your minds further by saying, we were there to see and cheer for uncle Bobby's 880th career win, making him the most winningest coach in NCAA history. The game against New Mexico went down to the wire with Tech 70, NM 68. It was the first basketball game my kids had ever been to and I picked this one to take them to. The fates must have been smiling upon me, cause I almost got tickets to the game on the 28th in which ...they lost. This game had to be as good as Tech making that comeback against the Gophers in the Insight Bowl, when BYU stomped over Oregon, Boise State beat Oklahoma in overtime, or when the USA hockey team sent USSR to the woodshed [a couple decades ago].

I wish you could all share in the moment, but alas, that is what you have me for, to live that vicarious dream for you. I will wish Bobby all the best wishes from all y'all at tonight's shin-dig...I had to insist that we hold it here; I mean, after all, he has enough occupying his time today with all the interviews and what not. It's the least I could do for him.

The full story


Cari said...

One word... Awesome!

Anonymous said...

That's super cool! I heard you talkin to my dad about it over the the way, nice picture haha....what program did you use?
See, I do look at your website! so there lol

Cari said...

That picture is hillarious! What are you a photoshop expert or something? I totally didn't notice that before but then I'm pretty clueless about a lot of things. Funny!

Lyle said...

cari- your first post was with the "before picture". I made changes late last night. So don't feel bad.

Megan said...

I love the enhanced picture. Truthfully, I didn't even notice at first. Excellent job. hah!

jake roi said...

Winningest? You made that word up.

Anonymous said...

So how is B.K. doing these days?
has he bonked ya on the head, or thrown
some chairs around eh?
Well, nice going on the court,
basketball rocks! Don't ya know…
As for prairie dogs they belong on the
prairie hanging with sprites, prairie nyphs, and brownies and UFO experiments
maybe they help UFOs do the crop circle thing, eh?

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I'm from Indiana. Do you know how many Hoosiers have "Bobby" altars in their home left over from his glory days of yore? A Lot.

Lyle said...

elastic- so is bobby following you around the country? whatever will karen say if she finds out?

davey's hammer- I went one step further than a good choking. I signed the headbutt with your name. your welcome...even though I'm still feeling groggy

This just in... ****BREAKING NEWS*** Trump Saves Bag Full of Kittens From Drowning in the Potomac River Joining us to live today is Rachel M...