There are many pieces of "art" that hang on the walls where I work. I would like to share with you, two "replicas" that I must endure on a regular basis. While indeed, they are not true replicas, they will still serve to make my point.
and now for the second one...
The top one actually consists of a "comical" looking bouquet of flowers that sits centered on a blue, red, and yellow square about 3" in diameter, which sits on a larger white, cotton canvas about 18" x 24", with a 2" mat for the frame.
What can I say about the second? Really, it's made of a bunch of random lines of different colors on a solid background.
Many of us have heard the expression, "My 5 year old could paint that". I believe the statement to be true.
How do you call something art that is so easily replicated, particularly by someone who is not an artist?
Anyone care to jump to the defense of art? Anyone? Can anyone tell me? Buhler?
Of course, after this post, I'll probably find myself back to where I was prior to this post.
What can I say about the second? Really, it's made of a bunch of random lines of different colors on a solid background.
Many of us have heard the expression, "My 5 year old could paint that". I believe the statement to be true.
How do you call something art that is so easily replicated, particularly by someone who is not an artist?
Anyone care to jump to the defense of art? Anyone? Can anyone tell me? Buhler?
Of course, after this post, I'll probably find myself back to where I was prior to this post.
The sad thing is that someone probably paid a pretty penny for those so called paintings and that money could have been spent on your raise.
Lori- A raise? A raise would be nice.
The odd thing is, that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme to reason for how the paintings are displayed. Down the length of one hall, you may have 7-8 of these types of paintings, and BAM! the next one will actually look like it represents a real image, or in one conference room you can have pretty landscape paintings on 3 walls and some bizzaro-world painting on the 4th wall.
There are many other paintings at work, that while I may not like them, I can still accept them as art.
Oh well, thanks for stopping by.
You just don't understand the emotion behind the art. Just because you are past feeling blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah.
Just in case you were really expecting any comments defending art - I didn't want you to get depressed over not having one so that was my best attempt.
You like, no?
Pappy - with only two people responding, me thinks I might be preaching to the choir.
I'm sorry to say that your attempt at defending the arts failed miserably [but then I would fail just as bad if I tried].
I would be interested in seeing someone defend these "pieces of art".
Hey, my 5-year-old . . . wait.
Thanks ~j. :-)
This is considered high art. To truly appreciate it one must break from the bonds of mundane thought into the metaphysical imagery portrayed within the physical limitations of canvas. This high art is an abstract exploration of the logical, yet at the same time theoretical. One must truly have an open mind to explore and fully grasp the innate beauty of the pure thought translated into exact art that appears subtle and subjective at first glance. It is preposterous to even suggest that a five-year-old could reach the magnitude of complex cognition and implementation required to produce such exquisite high art. The comprehension and intellectual capacity required to exact such expression of undiluted representation of the metaphysical realm of our existence in this life is far beyond the reach of a mere five-year-old and most so called “cultured” adults. The representation of the subconscious in such a coherent display of finite ideas juxtaposed with extraordinary imagery is such an advanced portrayal of surrealism as to leave the mind in a state of exuberance that almost exceeds the human capacity to experience. What is more, the artist’s clearly empathic psyche cunningly exposes the sublime and surpasses the primary ocular receptivity leading one to naturally contemplate the … you know…I think you were right…that art is remarkably similar to the work I have seen on the walls of our local elementary school in the kindergarten corridor. Oh well, never mind then.
munk- I applaud you for your efforts. Truly remarkable and convincing. A++. I'll pray for mercy for your patients if they ever have to hear you go on like that.
It's about time you stopped by. Thanks for doing so.
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