Monday, February 02, 2009

What a Workout!

Last night I had quite the workout; I helped a new family move into a 3rd floor apartment, in a snow storm. I mastered those stairs! Did I mention the fact that it was three flights of stairs... for nearly 90 minutes?

So tell me, if you lived to tell the tale, what was your hardest move-in/move-out?


Carrot Jello said...

I don't have to move people, because I am a woman. That does mean, however, that I have to help pack.
I cannot stand it when you show up and people haven't pack a single thing. Especially when they're moving THAT day.

Lyle said...

Carrot - those situations really bite. I have also shown up to help load a moving van for a family that was moving out, and they hadn't packed a single box.

Sister Pottymouth said...

You are the stair MASTER, I tell you.

I detest moving. And I would never allow someone else to pack my boxes for me. That's just rude. Besides, who wants someone else to be going through their personal belongings? I really don't want to know who actually owns a Dr. Zogg's Anal Intruder Kit.

Lyle said...

Pottymouth - I think the majority are on your side of the court. It is very uncomfortable to start boxing other people's stuff.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, moving across the street. We had a whole ward full of people willing and waiting to help us move but the HPGL hired a couple of indigents because he was too shy to call anyone.

But we just had to do stairs in a split-entry. Three flights would do me in.

Pappy Yokum said...

Three flights of narrow stairs and a TV that didn't fit very well around the corners. The couple was a young couple that had all this stuff that made me wonder how many credit cards they had maxed out.

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