Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lack of Inspiration

This does not mean that nothing has been going on. I just haven't been able to find myself in the right blogging spirit. Hang in there. This too shall pass.


Cari said...

That's what happens when you move to Texas. Sorry!

Pappy Yokum said...

Doth mine ears (eyes in this case) deceive me? Lyle at a lack for words? You must be awfully depressed! Sounds like a good trip to the Yost dump is in order! ;)

Lyle said...

Pappy- Can we stop to milk the cows before we go?

It is depressing!

Pappy Yokum said...

That's it, you've earned the trip, complete with cow milking. But, you have to pay for it yourself unless you find something at the dump that is worthless that you keep anyway. As a bonus, you get to listen to Slim Whitman all the way there! :))

 Sharing in another spot... Warmth and Light Bid Thee Adieu Beyond tomorrow and the moments that make up the now, sunlight slips away into t...