Sunday, July 02, 2006

Let the Masses Speak

In hopes of hearing more from my readers than from myself, at the sake of lost vanity, I propose the following thread of conversation:
Ya know you’re outside of Utah, when....

1.You’re a sister missionary who is sick and the doctor asks if you’re pregnant. Upon adamant denial, he still orders a blood test to verify your claims.

2.(Your part goes here....)


Pappy Yokum said...

People look at you like you are insane when you tell them your wife is pregnant with your 4th child.

Pappy Yokum said...

The words "fry sauce" produce that "deer in the headlights look" from the fastfood worker.

KM said...

People's foreheads furrow when you use the phrase "sister missionary."

(Congrats, Lyle!)

Lyle said...

Apologies to readers who are not familiar with the nuances of Utah.

Pappy- I've never understod why fry sauce never caught on with the rest of the world...

Pappy Yokum said...

Instead of an LDS chapel on every corner, there are churches of many denominations on every corner.

Pappy Yokum said...

You no longer hear references to the coming Girl's Camp or Relief Society activity in the grocery checkout line.

carblemarble said...

It takes 2 hours to drive to the other side of your stake.

carblemarble said...

You suddenly realize how many people in Utah don't swear.

dalene said...

You pitch a tent with your stakes.

The only wards around are wards of the court.

Your elders are older than 19.

You might get lucky and win the lottery?

~j. said...

People are amazed (and a little confused) that every day you wear a tank top and bike shorts.

Bek said...

I don't have one to add, but almost snorted when reading these....

Glad Fairy Lou has new friends in Heaven!!1 :-) I was out of town for awhile so I am just catching up on all my blogs.....glad your sweet family is doing well (besides the dead pets, that is).

Sister Pottymouth said...

A "stake fireside" means Bring Your Own Meat and a side to share.

Anonymous said...

You realize just how much the tobacco companies REALLY are Making!!!

 Sharing in another spot... Warmth and Light Bid Thee Adieu Beyond tomorrow and the moments that make up the now, sunlight slips away into t...