Monday, May 14, 2007

To slumber, to Slacken...with Regret

For the time being, I am in blogging limbo. Whereas I have finished the school year and no longer find myself with idle office hours, my blogging time is on a much shorter [self imposed] leash. My time and energies will need to be temporarily refocused on other projects that have sat idle far too long. As such, there are bound to be fewer posts and fewer visits to other sites. Blog on my fellow bloggers! Do not despair or follow where I cannot lead you. This isn’t a complete good by or worse, adieu, but a run on impulse power, until the good captain can thwart the invading Orks [nanoo-nanoo].

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Praiseworthy or of Good Report

A while back I had posted about my unhappy experiences with a certain computer company. Those of you who followed that part of the story saw a certain advocate from the company, who wished to look into my mind, my heart, and my soul...okay, maybe she just wanted to look at my customer history record.

Somewhere in the dark corners and crevices of that file, she found items of redeeming quality. I was recently notified by Debbie that I was going to be credited back for my most recent purchase of a CD/DVD drive for my laptop. This news was Dellightsome to my ears.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What Do Mothers and Flowers Have in Common?

This was the question that was asked in primary just the other day. After a few of the other kids gave their responses:

They’re both pretty.
They both smell good.
There’s a Mother’s day song about moms and flowers.

My oldest, M, pipes up and says…
They would both attract caterpillars if my dad was a caterpillar because he’s attracted to my mom.

This just in... ****BREAKING NEWS*** Trump Saves Bag Full of Kittens From Drowning in the Potomac River Joining us to live today is Rachel M...